Farm to Keiki Book

Pages from Farm to Keiki Book SpiralCove.jpg

Hey friends! We wanted to tell you about an awesome book that our buddy Tiana Kamen wrote and which we are sooo excited about! The book is called “Farm to Keiki.” It was originally written as a learning resource for teachers but has been adapted for any age group or educational setting (school and home)! It is the perfect resource for these days that kids are out of school and bored at home! The book teaches healthy cooking, how to eat farm to table, how to grow a garden and all about Hawaiian culture and plants! We absolutely love this book and are grateful for Tiana’s work in helping to educate and feed our keiki local + healthy foods.

We had a really fun time doing the lesson all about herbs and have included some pics below! First we walked around the farm with Luna and picked a bunch of herbs from the garden. Then we sat down and tasted and smelled all the herbs. We found out Luna really likes green onion and basil but is just so-so about rosemary and parsley. Next, we cooked with all of our herbs and made a mint tea. It was so much fun and a great learning experience!

We highly recommend this book for kids of all ages. :)
